The body-tinted glasses having different colors, like blue, bronze, green, grey are called sun control glasses.
Tinted solar control glass is subjected to thermal breakage risks. In order to avoid thermal breakage risks, toughening or heat strengthening is recommended. When laminating tinted glass, all panes of the laminated glass should be either toughened or heat strengthened in order to avoid thermal breakage risks.
The performance values of Şişecam Tinted Float glasses produced by Şişecam Flat Glass are below.
* Combination: 6 mm Şişecam Tinted Float + Air Space + 6 mm Şişecam Clear Float
For different combinations
Translucency: The percentage of light that passes through the glass.
Daylight Reflection: The percentage of light that is reflected by the glass.
Solar Energy Total Translucency: The percentage of the total sun heat that affects the indoors.
Shade Coefficient: Comparison of the total translucency of solar energy with 3 mm colourless glass.
Heat Conductivity Coefficient (U value): The measure of the heat escaping outdoors.